Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Newest hobby

I haven't been able to post in so long because work has been so busy and a lovely ferret friend of mine accidentally spilled a drink on my personal laptop.  :(

Since I no longer have constant reliable swift internet access at my apartment (since I'm back to using my clam shell iBook) I have started knitting.  Go ahead and enter the "OK Mom" comments here as many of my other friends have.  But man, Ami is not a big fan of me doing anything that doesn't have her as the center of attention.  When I try to knit at home on my couch Ami lays either on my knitting needles, on my arms, or in the middle of the blanket or scarf I'm working on.  She really likes to complicate things for me.

Oh, and Gracie is finally getting a lot better at letting me hold her!  I'm so excited about that.  Now she just lets out her "no" meow once or twice and tries to stiff arm me most of the time I'm holding her until I go to give her a kiss.  I'm hoping with continued perseverance that she will eventually get used to it.  She is also finally jumping up and joining me on the couch next to me.  And she so sweetly reminds me that she's waiting for food or attention or water by politely placing her paw on my arm or leg.  She is so kind and gentle compared to boisterous Ami and baffled Zoe.  Gracie is so smooth and poised with her moves and how she holds herself, much like Christie (who was her originally owner).  Ami is riduculously like me, flopping around and acting like a fool without thinking of the consequences.  Hmm, go figure!

Well, I need to finish making this scarf before I go back and try to redo the baby blanket I recently finished.  The 1st attempt was just bad!  I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season.

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